Anecdotes on my pregnancy and childbirth experience(s.) Warning: may contain squicky details, extreme cases of TMI, and humor. Not necessarily in that order.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Mommy Brain

One morning, as I was getting ready for my shower, I looked in the mirror and went "Whoa! Those boobies look bigger! Maybe I'm pregnant."
Yes. Yes, I was. In fact, I had known it for weeks already. We had spent months doing medications, treatments and timing everything just right (and a $15,000 procedure) to try and get me pregnant. I had a blood test done at the earliest possible second to get accurate results. Yeah.

Another night, while sitting at my computer, I say to my husband, "Hmm. My boobs have been feeling tingly lately. I wonder if I'm pregnant." Um. Duh, lady.

Tonight, while laying in bed with my 17- (and a-half!) week pregnant belly pointing up at me, I go "Ugh. I look fat. Oh no wait! I'm pregnant!"

My mommy brain is so bad, I forget I'm pregnant. Here's hoping I'm not sitting around in 5 more months going, "Whoa! Bad cramps! What the fu...?"